Mid-market Argos Index® 3rd quarter 2023

Argos Wityu, the independent European investment fund, and Epsilon Research, the online platform for the management of unlisted M&A transactions, have today published the Mid-market Argos Index® for the 3rd quarter of 2023. Launched in 2006, this index tracks the valuations of private, eurozone mid-market companies in which a majority stake has been acquired during the last six months.
Argos Index® 3rd Quarter 2023

Argos Wityu, the independent European investment fund, and Epsilon Research, the online platform for the management of unlisted M&A transactions, have today published the Mid-market Argos Index® for the 3rd quarter of 2023. Launched in 2006, this index tracks the valuations of private, eurozone mid-market companies in which a majority stake has been acquired during the last six months.
Argos Index® 2023年第3四半期

Argos Index®ミッドマーケットは、ユーロ圏ミッドマーケット非上場企
業の価値評価の推移を示す指数です。Argos Wityuが、非上場企業の
M&A取引管理のためのオンラインプラットフォームEpsilon Research