Mid-market Argos Index® for the third quarter of 2024

Argos Index - Argos Wityu

The mid-market Argos Index® for the third quarter of 2024, published by Argos Wityu, the independent European investment fund, and Epsilon Research, the online platform for the management of unlisted M&A transactions, is now available. Launched in 2006, this index tracks the valuations of unlisted eurozone SMEs in which a majority stake has been acquired during the last six months.

“In the third quarter of 2024, acquisition prices for unlisted eurozone SMEs rose to 9.5x EBITDA. The index was boosted by a progressive recovery in M&A activity and a rebound in LBO transactions in the mid-market (between €15 million and €500 million). Higher prices were driven by the availability of capital and improved funding conditions, against the backdrop of a rapid fall in inflation that prompted the ECB to start a rate-cutting cycle. However, the process is a gradual one because of the major geopolitical uncertainties that remain in place, along with the eurozone’s weak economic growth,” said Louis Godron, Chair of Argos Wityu.

Argos Index® 2024 年第 3 四半期

Argos Index - Argos Wityu

3年間にわたる11.6x EBITDAから8.9x EBITDAに至る継続的な低下を経
て、Argos Index® は第3四半期に9.5x EBITDAに回復した。ミッドマーケットの
1四分位数と第3四分位数はそれぞれ7.2x EBITDAと12.3x EBITDAに上昇して
10.1x EBITDAに達する大幅な伸びを見せ、その回復が市場をけん引した。

Argos Index® 3rd Quarter 2024

Argos Index - Argos Wityu

After 3 years of continuous decline, from 11.6x to 8.9x EBITDA, the Argos
Index® bounced back in Q3 to 9.5x EBITDA. Multiples are up on both the
lower and upper mid-market: multiples of the first and third quartiles are
up to respectively 7.2x and 12.3x EBITDA. Multiples climbed also for both
investment funds and strategic buyers – although the recovery of multiples
paid by private equity funds pulled the market with a strong increase to
10.1x EBITDA.

Jean-Pierre Di Benedetto - Argos Wityu

Jean Pierre Di Benedetto

Managing Partner


Giuseppe Bonsignore - Argos Wityu

Giuseppe Bonsignore




Louis Godron - Argos Wityu

Louis Godron

Managing Partner


Karel Kroupa - Argos Wityu

karel Kroupa

Managing Partner


Gilles Lorang - Argos Wityu

Gilles Lorang

Managing Partner


Coralie Cornet - Argos Wityu

Coralie Cornet

Head of communications


Jacqui Darbyshire - Argos Wityu

Jacqui Darbyshire

Chief Financial Officer


La Compagnie Des Desserts - Argos Wityu
La Compagnie Des Desserts - Argos Wityu
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Foodservice industry

Revennues : 50M€


Moro - Argos Wityu
Logo - Argos Wityu

Foodservice industry

Revennues : 40M€


Sasa Demarle - Argos Wityu
Logo - Argos Wityu

Foodservice industry

Revennues : 30M€