LoQu is one of Germany’s leading optical and hearing aids chains.

Francfort am Main, Germany
560 Employees
Entry in 2018
Turnover €55 M

Markus Rech
of LoQu
Founded in 1989, aktivoptik became one of the leading optician and hearing aid chains throughout Germany.
When it became LoQu Optical Group, the Group was structured around three distinct business lines:
- Aktivoptik, its origin business which differentiates by stores strategically located in large hypermarkets.
- Optikhäuser, traditional premium opticians.
- Smykker, a newly developed high-street fashion and omni-channel-ready concept.

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Latest News
Markus Rech was appointed CEO of LoQu, one of Germany’s leading optical chains.
The LoQu Optical Group, company supported by Argos Wityu, appointed Markus Rech as CEO as of August 2022. Together with Christoph Wein, they will form the group’s management team in the future.