Schenk is one of the leading tank transport companies in North-West Europe.

The Netherlands
1,600 Employees
Entry in 2021
Turnover €283 M

Marcel Claessen
of Schenk

Other Transport Sector Companies
Latest News
Schenk Tanktransport, a company supported by Argos Wityu,acquires Suttons Tankers Ltd.
Schenk Tanktransport, one of the leading tank transport companies in Northwest Europe, announces the acquisition of Suttons Tankers, an English road tanker logistics provider. This acquisition holds significant strategic importance for Schenk, as it expands the company’s European footprint and further reinforces its service offering.
With this acquisition, Schenk increases its revenues and employees by almost 50% reaching 440M€ and 2,600 employees. It operates a fleet of more than 1,450 tractor units, 1,300 owned trailers and 1,000 tank containers.
Argos Wityu announces the appointment of new CEO for Schenk, one of the leading tank transport companies in North-West Europe
Marcel Claessen is an experienced executive with a proven track record in transport and logistics. For the last 4 years he worked as CEO of The Medical Export Group, a company supporting governments, NGOs and aid organisations in responding to medical emergencies and improving access to healthcare.