Jessica Peters - Argos Wityu

Jessica Peters

hoofd ESG


Jessica Peters - Argos Wityu

Jessica Peters

hoofd ESG


Can you introduce yourself in a few words? Your age, your family situation and the country you live in?


I am 38 and grew up in the Netherlands and currently living in Brussels.

Tell us about your career and how you joined Argos?


After seven years in several commercial roles, I reorientated towards sustainability by working at a sustainability rating agency, followed by roles in CSR in corporate organisations. The last four years, I was practice lead at a sustainability consulting firm, and started to orientate myself towards sustainable finance and the role investors play. It was a rather logical step for me to join a private equity firm, as I believe I can use my experience to improve decision- making and challenge management teams to integrat (even more) sustainability topics.

Is this the path you thought you would take when you started your studies?


Not at all. As I am a creative-minded person, I started out studying interior design. That’s why my first job was at an art gallery, working alongside my parents. Seeing my parents run a business, with its ups and downs, was very valuable.
Once the financial crisis hit, I reorientated myself and went back to study political science, as I was curious to learn what is happening in the world and how to act upon it, followed by a degree in energy and environment management.

The world of private equity has changed a lot in recent years. What is your definition of PE? How do you see it?


I realise private equity firms have a valuable position, as they are between the investors and portfolio companies. From a sustainability perspective, the spotlight is now on PE firms to play their part in the transition towards a green economy.

What gets you out of bed in the morning?


Every day we learn something new.

To describe yourself further: It is said that we are the average of the people we meet. Who do you think they are and how do they influence you?


I feel very lucky to have been raised by two wonderful people. Their mindset and their determination to embrace challenges and be true to themselves has been very inspiring.

Outside of your job, what are your passions or commitments?


Sewing is a hobby I took upon over 10 years ago. I also use my museum card as much as possible, and I listen to podcasts whenever I can. On the sporty side, I am always in for a game of tennis or squash and I like to hike.

Jessica Peters - Argos Wityu

”I realise private equity firms have an attractive position, as they are between the investors and portfolio companies.“

Do you have a place to share with us that reflects you? A place that inspires you and contributes to your balance?


The west coast of Ireland stole my heart.
Jessica Peters - Argos Wityu
Jessica Peters - Argos Wityu
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