Julhiet Sterwen joining forces with (RE)SET, a consulting firm specialised in the economic and environmental transition.

  • This link-up will give rise to a consulting powerhouse in sustainable environmental, economic and social transitions.

  • With Argos Wityu’s support and guidance since 2021, the Julhiet Sterwen group has continued to expand its range of solutions and to accelerate its pace of growth.

Strategy, transformation and innovation consulting company Julhiet Sterwen and (RE)SET have announced they are merging. Together with (RE)SET, the Julhiet Sterwen group, a mission-based company known for its commitment to Consulting for Good, will be a consulting powerhouse in  sustainable environmental, economic and social transitions.

Julhiet Sterwen, a company founded in 2015 by Marc Sabatier and Thierry Auzias, is a leader in strategy consulting, transformations and innovation. The Group has 600 employees and generates revenue in excess of €100 million.

(RE)SET, a firm founded in 2019 by Géraldine Poivert, who held roles in mass retail and then served as CITEO’s Deputy CEO, and by Frank Gana, a tech entrepreneur who went on to set up the Circular Challenge (France’s first circular innovation accelerator), immediately established itself as a key force to be reckoned with. Its credo is to align environmental and economic factors, adopt a holistic approach taking into consideration all the planet’s resources and constraints rather than just carbon. (RE)SET now has more than 50 employees and generates €7 million in revenue, which is growing very rapidly. (RE)SET, a pioneer in coopetition, is renowned for the action coalitions it has assembled in industries including packaging, cosmetics, textiles, luxury goods and furniture.

Through this transaction, Julhiet Sterwen will become (RE)SET’s majority shareholder. Concurrently, (RE)SET’s founders are establishing an interest in the share capital of Julhiet Sterwen alongside the partners.

The independent group now has all the expertise it needs to support industry leaders in all aspects of their sustainable transformations. It is guided by the belief that detecting and analysing problems is good, but taking action to resolve them is even better.

“Bringing (RE)SET’s teams on board gives us game-changing environmental expertise,” said Marc Sabatier, Julhiet Sterwen’s Chairman and founder, expressing his delight with this strategic transaction. “We now have the full range of skills we need to lead the sustainable transformations required by the unprecedented challenges ahead. What’s more, (RE)SET shares our passion for entrepreneurship, an action-based culture, and a pragmatic and tenacious approach. And that’s vital given the priorities we now need to tackle. Execution is the key challenge!”

“Our production and consumption models no longer work, so industrial sovereignty is vital given the water stress, resource shortages and geopolitical conflicts we are having to deal with”, added Géraldine Poivert, RE(SET)’s cofounder. “Making the transition is no longer an optional extra. Businesses and governments that have moved ahead of the curve by making changes to their trajectories and fundamentals are now shoring up their base, reducing their vulnerability, avoiding punitive regulations and seizing unique innovation and development opportunities. The CDP[1]’s 2022 report surveyed 18,000 businesses following the publication of their existing reporting, and found that only 0.4% of them had implemented an action plan. Our goal is to support all the others!”

“We are proud to be supporting Julhiet Sterwen’s dynamic team,” concluded Gilles Lorang, Argos Wityu’s Managing Partner. RE(SET) is a well-known firm with substantial expertise in environmental and economic transitions. This combination represents a major milestone in Julhiet Sterwen’s growth strategy and will enable us to deliver a rich and varied range of transformation-related expertise.”

[1] www.cdp.net/en

Argos Wityu team: Gilles Lorang, Mario Giannattasio, Arthur Quignon

Argos Wityu

Coralie Cornet
Head of Communications
[email protected]
+33 (0)6 14 38 33 37

Julhiet Sterwen

Elodie Laloum
PR Agency MELODIK – [email protected]
+33 (0)6 61 41 13 05

About Argos Wityu / https://argos.wityu.fund

One firm, two strategies – Argos Wityu is an independent European private-equity group that supports the transformation and growth of European SMEs.

With more than €1.8 billion in assets under management, over 30 years of experience and 100 businesses supported, Argos Wityu operates from offices in Amsterdam, Brussels, Frankfurt, Geneva, Luxembourg, Milan and Paris. The group seeks to acquire majority stakes under its two strategies:

  • The Mid-Market fund helps companies implement successful transitions to accelerate growth.
  • The Climate Action fund (SFDR 9) aims at shaping European sustainable leaders by supporting their “grey-to-green” transition.

About Julhiet Sterwen / www.julhiet-sterwen.com

Julhiet Sterwen, a leader in strategy, transformation and innovation consulting, guides and supports organisations, so they can adapt to the far-reaching changes currently taking place. With its unique model and its 20 or so areas of expertise recognised by the market, the Group is supporting all the environmental, energy, economic, social/societal and digital transformations to deliver sustainable transitions. Julhiet Sterwen, a mission-based company, has embraced “Consulting for Good” and assumes responsibility for generating a positive, sustainable impact in everything it does.

Key figures: 600 employees, €100 million in revenue, over 1,500 clients. Julhiet Sterwen is present in France, Switzerland, Spain, Italy and Belgium. It has been awarded Bpifrance’s BPI Excellence label of quality and is a founding partner of France Fintech. It topped the Happy at Work 2023 rankings in the businesses with 500 to 999 employees category in France. Julhiet Sterwen has been rated as pivotal or excellent in 21 market segments in Décideurs magazine’s “Leaders League” of consulting firms and has held the Ecovadis platinum medal ever since the quality label was introduced.

About (RE)SET / https://reset.earth/

Since 2019, (RE)SET has worked alongside large corporates, mid-market companies, public institutions and industry bodies to formulate and implement ambitious environmental strategies. We partner with our clients and have every aspect of their transformations covered. That’s the beauty of the (RE)SET Model® designed for vision and execution. We are able to build both general and specific solutions and collective approaches to address the challenges of the present day and nurture the leaders of the future in a sustainable resource economy. Whether they are active in textiles, packaging, cosmetics, luxury goods, home furnishings, food, mobility or construction, we help our clients meet the challenges they face.

(RE)SET: resources to win environmental and economic battles.

Jean-Pierre Di Benedetto - Argos Wityu

Jean Pierre Di Benedetto

Managing Partner


Giuseppe Bonsignore - Argos Wityu

Giuseppe Bonsignore




Louis Godron - Argos Wityu

Louis Godron

Managing Partner


Karel Kroupa - Argos Wityu

karel Kroupa

Managing Partner


Gilles Lorang - Argos Wityu

Gilles Lorang

Managing Partner


Coralie Cornet - Argos Wityu

Coralie Cornet

Head of communications


Jacqui Darbyshire - Argos Wityu

Jacqui Darbyshire

Chief Financial Officer


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La Compagnie Des Desserts - Argos Wityu
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