Privacy Policy

GDPR entered into force on May 25th, 2016, with full applicability after a 2-year transition period, on May 25th, 2018. The General Data Protection Regulation covers data protection and privacy for all individuals in the EU. With a primary aim of transferring the control of personal data back to individuals, a unified regulation also means a simplified regulatory environment for international businesses. The GDPR also addresses the export of personal data beyond the EU and impacts doing business within Europe and worldwide. It is the largest change to data protection legislation in the last 20 years, and regulators have unprecedented power to impose fines and will require widescale privacy changes across every organisation.

However, it also represents a major opportunity to:

Argos Wityu and GDPR

At Argos Wityu, we believe this new approach represents a significant step forward in the empowerment of individual privacy rights. This regulatory shift in the collection and processing of personal data will undoubtedly set the bar for data security, across the world. We are strongly committed to implementing the GDPR, both for our clients and within Argos Wityu.

We see the GDPR as an opportunity, not a threat, and one that fully reflects our responsibility. Across all our services we are working hard to implement the requirements of this new regulation, and to further strengthen our existing privacy and data security standards. The present data policy applies from May 25th, 2018 onwards to the personal data collected by Argos Wityu Partners SA, 1B, Rue Jean Piret L-2350 Luxembourg (formerly Argos Soditic Partners SA) and its subsidiaries, whether for their own purpose or for the benefit of the investment funds or holding companies they manage or advise.

This policy will be regularly updated; we invite you to visit regularly our websites to be aware of the latest version of our data privacy policy, and use your right to withdraw your consent if you do not agree with its terms. A specific data privacy policy applies to the personal data regarding our current and past employees, officers, shareholders and directors, whose terms may differ from the present general policy.

What personal data do we process?

We are collecting and using the personal data required in the framework of our business, to provide our business partners and counterparts a high quality of service or interaction. For that purpose, we might collect different categories of your personal data, including:
We do not collect nor process any personal data regarding religion, ethnic or racial origins, political opinions, sexual life or genetic information.

For what purposes do we collect and use personal data?

We collect and use your personal data in order to:

To whom might we communicate your personal data?

We do not sell nor lease your personal information to third parties. We do not share your personal data with third parties unless (i) we have a legitimate reason for that (eg sharing with our lawyers to prepare a contract with you, or with a bank to prepare a payment to you) or (ii) we have your explicit consent, or (iii) an applicable law or regulation requires us to do so .


To prevent unauthorised disclosure or access to your personal information, we have implemented physical and electronic security safeguards. We also follow procedures to ensure we work with all personal data in line with the applicable Data Protection laws. If despite our efforts we become aware of an unauthorised data leak regarding your personal data, we would inform you as soon as reasonably practicable.

Retention of Personal Data

Argos Wityu does not store Personal Data longer than is required. Storage periods may vary according to the types of data and processing. Argos Wityu processes and uses Personal Data if it is required by operational, regulatory and legal constraints, and according to the applicable limitation periods (e.g. 5 years from the closure of the accounts or termination of the relationship or from the execution of transactions to comply with AML/ CTF regulation- Article 561-12 Code monétaire et financier).

International Transfers of Personal Data

Please note that in certain cases Argos Wityu may be required to transfer Personal Data outside the European Union to comply with FATCA regulation (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act). In this context, Argos Wityu must provide sensitive and financial information regarding bank accounts possessed by American Taxpayers (regardless of their place of residence) to the US tax authorities.

Your rights and how to contact us

The GDPR directive establishes a number of rights in your favour, including, within the limits of law and regulations:

Please note that some legal restrictions limit those rights, for instance as regards our ability not to disclose information used in our processes against fraud or money-laundering. In accordance with general principles of law, we are not liable for the disclosure of information that was previously publicly available, nor for the storage and backup of data that we received without having solicited (eg CV spontaneously sent to us) To manage your cookie préférences click on the following link: manage my consent (the cookie banner will appear at the bottom of the screen) To use those rights, or more generally for information, you can reach our Data Protection Officer on the following e-mail address: [email protected], or by registered mail sent to: Argos Wityu Partners SA, 1B, Rue Jean Piret L-2350 Luxembourg

Jean-Pierre Di Benedetto - Argos Wityu

Jean Pierre Di Benedetto

Managing Partner


Giuseppe Bonsignore - Argos Wityu

Giuseppe Bonsignore




Louis Godron - Argos Wityu

Louis Godron

Managing Partner


Karel Kroupa - Argos Wityu

karel Kroupa

Managing Partner


Gilles Lorang - Argos Wityu

Gilles Lorang

Managing Partner


Coralie Cornet - Argos Wityu

Coralie Cornet

Head of communications


Jacqui Darbyshire - Argos Wityu

Jacqui Darbyshire

Chief Financial Officer


La Compagnie Des Desserts - Argos Wityu
La Compagnie Des Desserts - Argos Wityu
Logo - Argos Wityu

Foodservice industry

Revennues : 50M€


Moro - Argos Wityu
Logo - Argos Wityu

Foodservice industry

Revennues : 40M€


Sasa Demarle - Argos Wityu
Logo - Argos Wityu

Foodservice industry

Revennues : 30M€