Maude Culis-Féry



Maude Culis-Féry



Can you introduce yourself in a few words?


My name is Maude Culis-Féry, and I am originally from the town of Anse in the Beaujolais region of France, around 45 minutes away from the beautiful city of Lyon. I began my studies in Lyon, continued them in Paris, and then started my professional career in London. Despite these changes, I always find the time to return to my home region, and I still have the spontaneity and love of fresh air that I grew up with.

Tell us about your career and how you joined Argos?


I got into the world of finance while I was doing my accounting degree, because alongside my studies, I helped a friend with his carft business. I created the business plan and supported the founder through his various strategic initiatives, and his company’s top line doubled in a year and a half. This experience encouraged me to reorient my studies towards corporate finance once I obtained my accounting degree. While at ESSEC business school, I discovered the M&A profession at BNP and Morgan Stanley, then private equity at Advent International. I decided to join Morgan Stanley’s M&A team specialised in the technology sector in London. This was a great learning experience, especially on the technical aspects. A year later, however, I wanted to return to the small-company environment. Working with small companies is particularly dear to me, because I love seeing them grow and transform themselves. I heard about Argos’s reputation as a firm that is remarkably close to the companies in its portfolio and very hands-on. I found this especially attractive. My interview with the people at Argos strengthened my motivation to join the company, because I sensed a unique mixture of excellence, pragmatism and human warmth. All this made me think that Argos would be the perfect place for me to pursue my professional career.

Is this the path you thought you would take when you started your studies?


Not at all. When I started my studies, I didn’t know anything about business schools. I studied accounting because I wanted to help entrepreneurs set up their companies. My very first professional experience was helping the friend I mentioned earlier create and grow his blacksmith business. I really enjoyed the hands-on experience and being close to the entrepreneur. This is what motivated me to look into corporate finance: I wanted to help companies grow. I had the good fortune to meet people working in transaction services while I was at the accounting firm. It was through them that I learned about business schools and the classes préparatoires, or preparatory classes that give you access to those schools. So in sum, I could never have imagined I’d be where I am today.

The world of private equity has changed a lot in recent years. What is your definition of PE? How do you see it?


I’d like to define private equity as helping entrepreneurial initiatives to grow. Developing a business has become increasingly complex. At Argos Wityu, we are lucky to have supported numerous entrepreneurs through these difficulties. Our role is not to take the place of the management teams we support but rather to shed light on various problems that management encounters so that they might learn from the mistakes of others without repeating them. We can then suggest action plans to these managers once the strategy has been clearly defined. Also, we can’t think about private equity nowadays without taking societal and environmental issues into account. We are long-term investors, so sustainability is particularly important for us. Argos fully understands this and has created a fund to support companies on this very special topic: how to decarbonise and remain sustainable without sacrificing economic efficiency.

The feeling that guides you the most in your daily life?


The desire to learn and exchange ideas and the happiness it brings! I’ve always been extremely curious. This is why I am particularly pleased to work at Argos. The Argos team has a transverse view of each company. As a result, my input is not limited to corporate finance, but extends to the strategic, legal, and operational aspects. Moreover, behind every company we support there is first and foremost a story about people, because investors and managers must come to trust each other before they can strike a deal. This trust must be built up over time and demands constant, genuine communication. I love this part of the job. We are lucky to have a rich and diversified ecosystem of SMEs in France, populated with amazing men and women. Working alongside them to develop their companies is pure joy!

What encounter - or moment - has marked your journey at Argos?


Every junior member of the Paris team shares an office with a more experienced professional. This fosters learning. The initial contact with my officemate stands out in my mind. During the first few weeks I was on the team, he took me under his wing and taught me various aspects of the business despite a particularly heavy workload. He let me work with him on Agôn Electronics, trusted me and involved me in some extremely formative tasks. One of my best memories about Agôn Electronics was after spending many hours on an Excel model, my officemate introduced me to the company’s CEO so that we could go over the model together. I was able to see the importance of the work I had done in real-time and share it with an entrepreneur we were supporting. This was extremely gratifying! The adventure continued when I had the opportunity to work on the successful acquisition of Tronico. It was an intense, collective effort over several months, and seeing the project come to fruition made me so happy!

”I’d like to define private equity as helping entrepreneurial initiatives to grow. Developing a business has become increasingly complex.“

To describe yourself further: It is said that we are the average of the people we meet. Who do you think they are and how do they influence you?


I can think of two people who have had a particular impact on me: my preparatory class professor and my horse riding coach. These two women both encouraged me to believe in my dreams despite any obstacles in the way. They instiled the following important qualities in me: resilience, determination and altruism. They taught me to set ambitious objectives aimed at helping others. Every day I try to challenge myself and improve myself a little more.

What are your hobbies/Interests?


Horse riding, without any hesitation. I’ve been practising this sport for 15 years and I’m still learning. I am lucky to be the proud owner of a mare named Volauvent. As we continue to take part in competitions from time to time, I spend a lot of time at the stables training. It’s my breath of fresh air. The stables are located on a wide plain north of Lyon, where the nearest neighbour is 15 km away. The sunsets are magnificent and our group of riders often take advantage of them for a before-dinner drink or snack. Horse riding has also taught me a lot. You can’t impose your will on animal that weighs 10 times what you do, but through empathy and attentiveness you can create a relationship of trust. Also, you sometimes have to be courageous. Imagine you had to jump over a bridge with your car, but the car could be afraid of a butterfly.

How do you see yourself in 10 years?


Probably still riding a horse!

In another life, you would be...?


An author, but I haven’t given up the idea of writing a book one day.

If you would like to have a direct discussion with me, feel free to

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